yo welcome to darkwebSTREAMER.
how you doin.
we are not okay over here

have you ever gone down a deep dark hole a deep dark hole made of code and tongues made of words and bytes a deep dark internet hole in which you found deep dark internet things things you wish you hadnt seen or thought could not be real have you ever??? our culture is a farce we wear our masks pursuing likes and asking WILL YOU LOVE US? all we want is to be loved and we hurt in pursuit of such and the hurt it hurts so bad we're screaming WILL YOU JOIN US??? this world is full of demons no matter how we call for jesus some of us are waiting for some other to come save us others are retreating and some of us entreating PLEASE COME AND WATCH AND LIKE, SUBSCRIBE? IF YOU DON'T I SWEAR I'LL DIE and in a way it's true || truth and lies and death and life begins and ends with you lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh lorem ipsum hubbaduh bubbadauh || there now, a psychological horror game. an apparition of streamer culture. an experiment of story and mind. a ritual. lorem ipsum fuck